Reading Room

Lehman Brothers Crisis May Meltdown State Workers’ Compensation Programs

Workers' Compensation

Jon 13675

The escalating financial crisis of Lehman Brothers [stock down 94% Jan-Sept 2008], may have a major impact on workers’ compensation throughout the US. Over this weekend, the financial guru's scheduled meetings in an effort to avoid a complete crash of Lehman Brothers. In the meantime, the waves of this potential economic meltdown are sending hurricane-type surges throughout the US workers’ compensation system.

Federal Issues Target State Workers' Compensation Claims

Workers' Compensation

Jon 7265

 The battlefield for the assault on state workers’ compensation programs has shifted from the state capitals to the halls of Congress. Industry and their insurers are now shifting gears from an attempt at tinkering with individual systems to a more generalized approach, where assets and energies can be concentrated uniformly through Federal modification of globalized issues that will place into jeopardy the rights of workers and significantly hamper the efforts of their attorneys in seeking recovery under state workers’ compensation systems. 
