Reading Room

Whose Business Is It Anyway? The Compelling Need for Privacy of Medical Records in the Workplace

Workers' Compensation

Jon 5999

The ever-increasing desire of industry to contain costs in the medical management arena, as well as to gather information about current employees and new hires, and the technological realities of the millennium are now creating new battle lines for workers over the privacy of their medical, genetic, and other personal records.

The ever increasing desire of industry to contain costs in the medical management arena, as well as to gather information about current employees and new hires, and the technological realities of the millenium are now creating new battle lines for workers over the privacy of their medical, genetic, and other personal records. Computers make it easier to store, collect, share and analyze all kinds of data. The attempt to formulate intervention in this arena has placed both federal and state governments as contenders in the management of the confrontation, which may ultimately affect the employment status of every worker in the nation.

New Workers’ Compensation for a New Economy

Workers' Compensation

Jon 5835

Over the course of the last few years, the United States economy has undergone a radical change that will require the New Jersey industry to reevaluate how it conducts business. New Jersey’s robust economy reflects a national trend towards full employment, but its workers’ compensation benefits have not kept pace with other states.

Social Remedial Legislation: Justices Struggle to Maintain Liberal Aspects of the Workers' Compensation Act

NJ Supreme Court Review 1999-2000

Jon 5383

The New Jersey Supreme Court, struggling to maintain the remedial social aspects of the Workers’ Compensation Act, adopted a liberal “quantification of disability” rule to determine the Statute of Limitations date to be utilized in occupational disease claims.

Sexual Harassment Claims Covered

Workers' Compensation

Jon 5552

The New Jersey Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, ruled that claims of workplace sexual harassment, when the harassment results in bodily injury, could not be excluded by insurance carriers under the employer's liability section of a workers' compensation policy. Lisa Schmidt filed a claim against her employer, Personalized Audio Visual, Inc., and against the president of the company.

The Use of Waddell Test

Workers' Compensation

Jon 24249

In reviewing numerous medical records, including orthopedic and physical therapy reports, it is common to find mention of "The Waddell Test" and extensive reporting of examination findings featuring the results of its component maneuvers. These comments will review the testing as it was originally described in its proper clinical application. Finally, some insights that can be used to cross-examine expert witnesses who feature the Waddell test in their testimony will be discussed.

Court Orders Compensation for Worker Rendered Sterile

NJ Supreme Court Awards Compensation for Reproduction Disorder

Jon 6363

In a decision that focuses attention on the risk of harm to reproductive systems caused by exposure to toxins in the workplace, a state appeals court has ordered a judge to award compensation to an industrial employee for sterility, even though the condition did not affect his ability to work. Workers’ Compensation Judge Melvin Shteir had ruled that Ahmed Akef, a chemical worker at a BASF Corp. plant in Middlesex County, suffered no loss "in the workers’ compensation.

Order in the Comp Courts: Rulings this Year Mandated Specific Evidentiary and Jurisdictional Standards

NJ Supreme Court Review 1996-97

Jon 5730

This was the year that the Court mandated that workers’ compensation actions must comply with specific evidentiary and jurisdictional standards. In a series of cases, the New Jersey Supreme Court highlighted the necessity of strict adherence to the requirements of the Law for those practicing before the Division of Workers’ Compensation. 

Intoxicated Worker Awarded Workers' Compensation Benefits

Workers' Compensation

Jon 6085

An employee fell from a narrow, eighteen-foot-high scaffold in the course of assembling a sheet metal roof. Even though there was evidence admitted at the trial that he had consumed a gallon and a half of hard alcohol, drank two beers that day, and had a grossly elevated blood alcohol level of .29%, the accident was held compensable. 

The State of New Jersey recently adopted new Administrative Rules which appear to be the most sweeping reform of the NJ Workers' Compensation system in the last 17 tears. The rules address substantive and procedural aspects that may result in a detrimental effect upon the rights of many litigants. The Rules were adopted on March 3, 1997 with the support of business and the insurance company lobbying teams.

